


介绍工程专业,重点是技术沟通和基于团队的工程设计. 先决条件:数学1316的成绩为“C”或更高, or MATH 1414 or higher; or an appropriate score on an approved placement test, 或共同注册数学1414. 实验室费用:24美元.00

Introduction to computer-aided drafting using CAD software and sketching to generate two- and three-dimensional drawings based on the conventions of engineering graphical communication; topics include spatial relationships, 多视图投影和切片, 尺寸标注, 数据的图形表示, 以及计算机图形学的基础知识. 课程费用:$30.00

工程力学基础理论, 利用微积分, 包括力的描述, moments, and couples acting on stationary engineering structures; equilibrium in two and three dimensions; free-body diagrams; friction; centroids; centers of gravity; and moments of inertia. 先决条件:PHYS 2325(讲座)和PHYS 2125(实验室),成绩为“C”或更高,同时入学或以前完成数学2414微积分II.

工程力学基础理论, 利用微积分, 涉及粒子运动的, 刚体, and systems of particles; Newton’s Laws; work and energy relationships; principles of impulse and momentum; application of kinetics and kinematics to the solution of engineering problems. 前提条件:ENGR 2301.

矩阵和数组操作的编程原理和技术, 方程求解, and numeric simulations applied to engineering problems and visualization of engineering information; platforms include spreadsheets, 符号代数包, 工程分析软件, 实验室控制软件. 课程费用:$8.00

用于确定工程方案的比较财务合意性的方法. 为学生提供分析工程备选方案的价值和成本所需的基本工具, 工程实践的基本要素. 向学生介绍金钱的时间价值的概念和基本工程经济技术的方法论. 本课程将涉及可持续性的一些方面,并将为学生提供背景知识,使他们能够通过工程基础考试的工程经济部分. 先决条件:数学2413微积分I与等级C或更好.

Stresses, 变形, 应力-应变关系, torsions, beams, shafts, columns, 梁的弹性挠度, 结合加载, 综合应力.  前提条件:ENGR 2301 -工程力学-静力学.

本课程是未来几乎所有化学工程课程和分析的基础. 扎实的数学基础, physics, 而化学是解决工业化学问题所必需的. 学生将学习化学工程计算的入门课程, 单元方程, 过程化学计量学, 物质和能量平衡, 以及物质的状态, 将质量和能量守恒定律应用于反应和非反应, 简单和复杂的化学系统. 先决条件:CHEM 1412或CHEM 1409, ENGR 1201, MATH 2414, 和PHYS 2325(讲座), 和PHYS 2125(实验室).

能量和热力学的基本概念.g., 温度, 热力学平衡, and heat) will be introduced; the course emphasizes techniques in the application of the fundamentals of thermodynamics to various processes as they frequently occur in chemical and bimolecular engineering. 提供设计和分析现实生活工程系统所需的基本技能和工具. 作为热力学其他高级课程的准备, 能量转换, 传热, etc. 先决条件(s):数学2415微积分III.

电路和系统原理. 基本电路元件(电阻), 电感, 互感, 电容, 独立和依赖控制电压, 和当前来源). Topology of electrical networks; Kirchhoff’s laws; node and mesh analysis; DC circuit analysis; operational amplifiers; transient and sinusoidal steady-state analysis; AC circuit analysis; first-and second-order circuits; Bode plots; and use of computer simulation software to solve circuit problems.  先决条件(s):数学2414微积分II, PHYS 2426大学物理II(讲座+实验室)或PHYS 2326 + 2126大学物理II(讲座+实验室)先决条件:数学2320微分方程.

介绍数字逻辑、电路和系统的理论和设计. 数字系统, operations and codes; logic gates; Boolean Algebra and logic simplification; Karnaugh maps; combinational logic; functions of combinational Logic; 人字拖 and related devices; counters; shift registers; sequential logic; memory and storage. 支持设计理论原理的基本实验室实验, 建设, 以及组合和顺序数字电路和系统的分析, 包括逻辑门, adders, 多路复用器, encoders, decoders, 算术逻辑单元, latches, 人字拖, registers, and counters; preparation of laboratory reports. Prerequisite(s): MATH 1314 or MATH 1414 with a grade of “”C”” or better; or an appropriate score on an approved placement test.


  • 威尼斯人博彩工程学院
  • Phone: 979-830-4777
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